Python supports the following types of operators.
Arithmetic operators
Assignment operators
Comparison operators
Logical operators
Identity operators
Membership operators
Bitwise operators
In this article we will look at Arithmetic operators, here are the supported operators
Arithmetic Operators
Operator | Name | Example |
+ | Addition | a + b |
– | Subtraction | a – b |
* | Multiplication | a * b |
/ | Division | b / a |
% | Modulus | b % a |
** | Exponent | a**b |
// | Floor division | a // b |
Now for a practical example
Type in the following and save it as math.py
#!/usr/bin/python a = 10 b = 2 c = 0 c = a + b print ("Addition - Value of c is ", c) c = a - b print ("Subtraction - Value of c is ", c) c = a * b print ("Multiplication - Value of c is ", c) c = a / b print ("Division - Value of c is ", c) c = a % b print ("Modulus- Value of c is ", c) a = 4 b = 5 c = a**b print ("Exponent- Value of c is ", c) a = 10 b = 5 c = a//b print ("Floor Division - Value of c is ", c)
Now open up a command prompt and type in python math.py
All going well you should see something like this