This is a collection of many, many attempts at tutorials. We have had similar on other sites, it was going to be an ebook or ebooks and it was also perhaps a series of Youtube or similar videos but here it is on this page.
The focus is always on practical code examples and having a few of them, personally reading through paragraphs of text – I find that hard going. So the basic facts about the subject and examples, my style – this page is a list of our python tutorials – we hope you enjoy them and come back as we have a lot to add – we are still plowing through a lot of content but thought there was enough for starters – enjoy.
Python Comments |
Python Variables |
Python Type Casting |
Python Arithmetic Operators |
Python Comparison Operators |
Python Membership Operators |
Python Identity Operators |
Bitwise Operators |
Logical Operators |
Control Statements
Python for Loops |
Python While Loops |
Python for-else Loops |
Python break Statement |
Python continue Statement |
Python pass Statement |
Python Arrays |
Copying Arrays |
Python Reversing Arrays |
Python Sorting Arrays |
Looping Through Arrays |
Python Strings |
Python String Concatenation |
String Slicing |
Escape Characters |
String Formatting |
Python Write to File |
Python File Reading |
Python Renaming and Deleting Files |
Python Lists |
Sorting Lists |
Copying Lists |
Joining Lists |
List Comprehension |
Python Sets |
Accessing Set Items |
Copying Sets |
Joining Sets |
Looping Through Sets |
Python Tuples |
Python: Accessing Tuple Items |
Updating Tuples |
Joining Tuples |
Python Tuple Unpacking |
Looping Through Tuples |
Python Dictionaries |
Copying Dictionaries |
Python Dictionary Access |
Directories |
Nested Dictionaries |
Python Threading Tutorial |
Starting a Thread |
Joining Threads |
Thread Priority |
Python Daemon Threads |
Thread Deadlock |
Thread Interruption |
Thread Pools |
Inter-thread Communication |
Python Iterators |
Python Closures |
Python Decorators |
Python Generators |
Serialization |