In this example we print a pyramid star pattern in python Code rows = int(input(“Enter amount of rows = “)) print(“Pattern”) for i in range(0, rows): for j in range(0, …
You can use the NumPy savetxt function to save arrays in txt format with different delimiters. NumPy savetxt function will work with 1D and 2D arrays, the numpy savetxt also …
In this article we look at Kivy and create our first example using Python Kivy is a free and open source Python framework for developing mobile apps and other multitouch application software with a natural user interface (NUI). It is distributed under the …
In this article we create a digital clock using turtle and we will add a digital clock Code Installation: To install this module type the below command in the terminal. …
In this article we will draw a simple christmas tree using python Code width = int(input(“Enter Christmas Tree Width = “)) height = int(input(“Enter Christmas Tree Height = “)) space …
We can add two tuples using the + operator. The resultant tuple will have items from both the tuples. Example tuple1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) tuple2 = …
In this example we show how you can slice a tuple in python Syntax: slice(stop) slice(start, stop, step) Parameters: start: (Optional) Starting index where the slicing of the iterable starts. …
In this article we display a sandglass pattern using python Code rows = int(input(“Enter amount of Rows = “)) print(“====Pattern====”) for i in range(0, rows): for j in range(0, i): …
In this article we will create a fidget spinner using python A fidget spinner is a toy that consists of a ball bearing in the center of a multi-lobed (typically …