In this example we will show you how to work out the factorial of a number in python The factorial of a non negative number is the product of all …
In this article we count the occurrences of letters, digits and special characters in a string using python Example We use isalpha() to check if all the characters in the …
In this article we show how to remove punctuation marks from a string in python There are 14 punctuation marks that are used in the English language. They are: the …
In this article we show how to sort a list in ascending order in python Example We use a for loop to add numbers to the Python list using the …
In this example we check if a string is a palindrome in python A palindrome is a string that is the same read forward or backward. Example // check if …
In this example we will find all files with a certain extension in a directory using python We have 2 examples on how to do this. Example 1 We use …
In this example, you will learn to check the file size in python. We will show 2 different ways to do this Example 1 Using stat() from the os module, you can get the …
In this article we show a way of sorting a list in descending order in python Example We use a for loop to add numbers to the Python list using …
In this example we will show how to get the line count of a file Example The test file contains the following, notice the blank lines this is line 1 …