Home » Check if a Number is Odd or Even in python

Check if a Number is Odd or Even in python

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In this article we look at whether a number is odd or even.

There is a fairly simple formula to work this out –

If you divide a number by 2 and it gives a remainder of 0 then it is known as even number, otherwise it is an odd number.

Code examples

Example 1 – odd or even

We will take input from the user and display whether its odd or even

number = int(input(" Please Enter any Integer Value : "))

if(number % 2 == 0):
    print("{0} is an Even Number".format(number))
    print("{0} is an Odd Number".format(number))

A couple of runs

>>> %Run oddeven.py
Please Enter any Integer Value : 11
11 is an Odd Number
>>> %Run oddeven.py
Please Enter any Integer Value : 8
8 is an Even Number

Example 2 – even numbers in a range

We will take input from the user and display whether its an even number in a range

In this example we use a while loop, you can quite easily use a for loop as well

# Print Even Numbers from minimum to maximum
minimum = int(input(" Please Enter the Minimum Value : "))
maximum = int(input(" Please Enter the Maximum Value : "))

for number in range(minimum, maximum+1):
    if(number % 2 == 0):

Here is a run of this

>>> %Run evennumbers.py
 Please Enter the Minimum Value : 2
 Please Enter the Maximum Value : 13

Example 3 – odd numbers in a range

We will take input from the user and display whether its an odd number in a range

In this example we use a while loop, you can quite easily use a for loop as well

The change is that we now check whether the remainder of the user inputted number divided by 2 is not equal to 0

# Print Odd Numbers from minimum to maximum
minimum = int(input(" Please Enter the Minimum Value : "))
maximum = int(input(" Please Enter the Maximum Value : "))

for number in range(minimum, maximum+1):
    if(number % 2 != 0):

Here is a run of this

>>> %Run oddnumbers.py
 Please Enter the Minimum Value : 2
 Please Enter the Maximum Value : 10


You can see these examples on github at the link below


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