In this example we use python to count the character frequency of a string
Example 1
In this Python example, the for loop iterates through the whole string that the user inputs.
We then assign all the count of characters to the dictionary keys.
myString = input("Please enter the Your Own String = ") dictchars = {} for num in myString: keys = dictchars.keys() if num in keys: dictchars[num] += 1 else: dictchars[num] = 1 print(dictchars)
You will see the following
>>> %Run countcharfreq.py Please enter the Your Own String = This is a test string to count characters {'T': 1, 'h': 2, 'i': 3, 's': 5, ' ': 7, 'a': 3, 't': 6, 'e': 2, 'r': 3, 'n': 2, 'g': 1, 'o': 2, 'c': 3, 'u': 1}
Example 2
We will use a collection in this example
from collections import Counter myString = input("Please enter the Your Own String = ") chars = Counter(myString) print("Total Character Frequency in this String = ") print(chars)
You will see the following
>>> %Run countercharfreq1.py Please enter the Your Own String = This is a test string to count characters Total Character Frequency in this String = Counter({' ': 7, 't': 6, 's': 5, 'i': 3, 'a': 3, 'r': 3, 'c': 3, 'h': 2, 'e': 2, 'n': 2, 'o': 2, 'T': 1, 'g': 1, 'u': 1})
You will see we have used the string but this example puts the character by frequency from highest to lowest
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