In this article we create a digital clock using turtle and we will add a digital clock
Installation: To install this module type the below command in the terminal.
pip install turtle
import time import datetime as dt import turtle # create a turtle to display time timet = turtle.Turtle() # create a turtle to create rectangle box rectt = turtle.Turtle() # create screen screen = turtle.Screen() # set background color of the screen screen.bgcolor("yellow") # current hour, minute and second sec = dt.datetime.now().second min = dt.datetime.now().minute hr = dt.datetime.now().hour rectt.pensize(5) rectt.color('black') rectt.penup() # set the position of turtle rectt.goto(-20, -5) rectt.pendown() # create rectangular box for i in range(2): rectt.forward(200) rectt.left(90) rectt.forward(70) rectt.left(90) # hide the turtle rectt.hideturtle() while True: timet.hideturtle() timet.clear() # display the time timet.write(str(hr).zfill(2) +":"+str(min).zfill(2)+":" +str(sec).zfill(2), font =("Arial Narrow", 40, "bold")) time.sleep(1) sec+= 1 if sec == 60: sec = 0 min+= 1 if min == 60: min = 0 hr+= 1 if hr == 13: hr = 1
When run you should see something like this