In this article we show how to count positive and negative elements in a list
We will show 2 metjods of doing this
Example 1
Method 1 uses a for loop
# Count the Positive and Negative Numbers in a List Using a For Loop mylist = [] positive_number = 0 negative_number = 0 # Input From the User Number = int(input("Enter the Number of List Elements: ")) for i in range(1, Number + 1): value = int(input("Enter the Value of Element %d : " %i)) mylist.append(value) # Print the List Entered by the User print("Users list is: ",mylist) #loop through incrementing counts for j in range(Number): if(mylist[j] >= 0): positive_number = positive_number + 1 else: negative_number = negative_number + 1 # Print the totals print("\nTotal Number of Positive Numbers in the List = ", positive_number) print("\nTotal Number of Negative Numbers in the List = ", negative_number)
Lets try this example out
>>> %Run listcountposneg1.py Enter the Number of List Elements: 6 Enter the Value of Element 1 : 1 Enter the Value of Element 2 : -5 Enter the Value of Element 3 : 4 Enter the Value of Element 4 : -6 Enter the Value of Element 5 : 3 Enter the Value of Element 6 : 2 Users list is: [1, -5, 4, -6, 3, 2] Total Number of Positive Numbers in the List = 4 Total Number of Negative Numbers in the List = 2
Example 2
Method 1 uses a while loop
# Count the Positive and Negative Numbers in a List Using a While Loop mylist = [] positive_number = 0 negative_number = 0 j = 0 # Input From the User Number = int(input("Enter the Number of List Elements: ")) for i in range(1, Number + 1): value = int(input("Enter the Value of Element %d : " %i)) mylist.append(value) # Print the List Entered by the User print("Users list is: ",mylist) #loop through incrementing counts while(j < Number): if(mylist[j] >= 0): positive_number = positive_number + 1 else: negative_number = negative_number + 1 j = j + 1 # Print the totals print("\nTotal Number of Positive Numbers in the List = ", positive_number) print("\nTotal Number of Negative Numbers in the List = ", negative_number)
Lets see a test run
>>> %Run listcountposneg2.py Enter the Number of List Elements: 7 Enter the Value of Element 1 : 1 Enter the Value of Element 2 : 2 Enter the Value of Element 3 : 3 Enter the Value of Element 4 : 4 Enter the Value of Element 5 : -3 Enter the Value of Element 6 : -4 Enter the Value of Element 7 : 2 Users list is: [1, 2, 3, 4, -3, -4, 2] Total Number of Positive Numbers in the List = 5 Total Number of Negative Numbers in the List = 2
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