Home » List all Files with a Certain Extension using Python

List all Files with a Certain Extension using Python

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In this example we will list all the files in a specific directory that have a certain file extension

This example shows how to find files in a directory with a specific extension using the listdir() function and the endswith() function.


We will search for all .py files

import os
# Specifies the path in path variable
path="C:\Python38-32\List examples"
for i in os.listdir(path):
    # List all files with .py
    if i.endswith(".py"):
        print("Files ending with .py are:",i)

When you run this you will see something like this

>>> %Run fileextensions.py
Files ending with .py are: add2lists1.py
Files ending with .py are: add2lists2.py
Files ending with .py are: add2lists3.py
Files ending with .py are: averagelist1.py
Files ending with .py are: lengthlist.py
Files ending with .py are: lengthlist1.py
Files ending with .py are: lengthlist2.py
Files ending with .py are: listcountposneg1.py
Files ending with .py are: listcountposneg2.py
Files ending with .py are: listoddeven1.py
Files ending with .py are: listoddeven2.py
Files ending with .py are: oddeveninlists.py
Files ending with .py are: oddeveninlists1.py
Files ending with .py are: smalllargelist1.py
Files ending with .py are: smalllargelist2.py

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