Pigeonhole sorting is a sorting algorithm that is suitable for sorting lists of elements where the number of elements and the length of the range of possible key values are approximately the same.
How It Works
- Find the minimum and maximum values in array. Let the minimum and maximum values be ‘min’ and ‘max’ respectively. Also find range as max-min+1.
- Set up an array of initially empty “pigeonholes” the same size as of the range calculated above.
- Visit each element of the array and then put each element in its pigeonhole. An element arr[i] is put in hole at index arr[i] – min.
- Start the loop all over the pigeonhole array in order and put the elements from non- empty holes back into the original array.
def pigeonhole_sort(a): # size of range of values in the list my_minimum = min(a) my_maximum = max(a) size = my_maximum - my_minimum + 1 # our list of pigeonholes holes = [0] * size # Populate the pigeonholes. for x in a: assert type(x) is int, "integers only please" holes[x - my_minimum] += 1 # Put the elements back into the array in order. i = 0 for count in range(size): while holes[count] > 0: holes[count] -= 1 a[i] = count + my_minimum i += 1 a = [8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 4, 8] print("Sorted order is : ", end =" ") pigeonhole_sort(a) for i in range(0, len(a)): print(a[i], end =" ")
Run this and you will see this
>>> %Run pigeonhole_sort.py Sorted order is : 2 3 4 4 5 6 8 8