Home » Reading a CSV File using the CSV Module in Python

Reading a CSV File using the CSV Module in Python

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In this example we will open a csv file using the csv module

The contents of our test csv file called Countries2.csv was



We use the open() function to open the csv file, which returns a file object. This is then passed to the reader.

The csv.reader() method returns a reader object which will iterate over each line in the given CSV file.

Each row read from the file is returned as a list of strings.

import csv

with open('Countries2.csv') as file:
     data = csv.reader(file)
     for row in data:

When you run this you will see something like this

>>> %Run readcsv1.py
['Entry', 'Country', 'Capital']
['1', 'France', 'Paris']
['2', 'Germany', 'Berlin']
['3', 'Spain', 'Madrid']
['4', 'Italy', 'Rome']
['5', 'UK', 'London']

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