In this article we look at python and wmi, first what exactly is wmi.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) consists of a set of extensions to the Windows Driver Model that provides an operating system interface through which instrumented components provide information and notification. WMI is Microsoft's implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and Common Information Model (CIM) standards from the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF).
WMI allows scripting languages (such as VBScript or Windows PowerShell) to manage Microsoft Windows personal computers and servers, both locally and remotely. WMI comes preinstalled in Windows 2000 and in newer Microsoft OSes. It is available as a download for Windows NT and[1] Windows 95 to Windows 98.[2]
Microsoft also provides a command-line interface to WMI called Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC)
pip install WMI
Lets look at some examples
import wmi myWMI = wmi.WMI () for myTime in myWMI.Win32_LocalTime (): print (myTime.Hour,myTime.Minute,myTime.Second) print ("%s:%s:%s" % (myTime.Hour, myTime.Minute, myTime.Second))
import wmi myWMI = wmi.WMI () for processer in myWMI.Win32_Processor (): print ("Current Clock Speed : %s" % (processer.CurrentClockSpeed)) print ("Name : %s" % (processer.Name)) print ("Cores : %s" % (processer.NumberOfCores))
import wmi ports = wmi.WMI () for serialPort in ports.Win32_SerialPort (): print ("Name : %s" % (serialPort.Name))
This example does not use the pypi package but it does still required the pywin32 extension
#! python # To use WMI in Python, install the Python for Windows extensions: # import sys import win32com.client try: computer = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: computer = "." wmiservice = win32com.client.Dispatch( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" ) swbemservices = wmiservice.ConnectServer( computer, "root/CIMV2" ) instances = swbemservices.ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor" ) if instances.Count == 1: print( "1 instance:" ) else: print( str( instances.Count ) + " instances:" ) print( ) for item in instances: if item.AddressWidth == None: print( "AddressWidth : " ) else: print( "AddressWidth : " + str( item.AddressWidth ) ) if item.Architecture == None: print( "Architecture : " ) else: print( "Architecture : " + str( item.Architecture ) ) if item.AssetTag == None: print( "AssetTag : " ) else: print( "AssetTag : " + str( item.AssetTag ) ) if item.Availability == None: print( "Availability : " ) else: print( "Availability : " + str( item.Availability ) ) if item.Caption == None: print( "Caption : " ) else: print( "Caption : " + str( item.Caption ) ) if item.Characteristics == None: print( "Characteristics : " ) else: print( "Characteristics : " + str( item.Characteristics ) ) if item.ConfigManagerErrorCode == None: print( "ConfigManagerErrorCode : " ) else: print( "ConfigManagerErrorCode : " + str( item.ConfigManagerErrorCode ) ) if item.ConfigManagerUserConfig == None: print( "ConfigManagerUserConfig : " ) else: print( "ConfigManagerUserConfig : " + str( item.ConfigManagerUserConfig ) ) if item.CpuStatus == None: print( "CpuStatus : " ) else: print( "CpuStatus : " + str( item.CpuStatus ) ) if item.CreationClassName == None: print( "CreationClassName : " ) else: print( "CreationClassName : " + str( item.CreationClassName ) ) if item.CurrentClockSpeed == None: print( "CurrentClockSpeed : " ) else: print( "CurrentClockSpeed : " + str( item.CurrentClockSpeed ) ) if item.CurrentVoltage == None: print( "CurrentVoltage : " ) else: print( "CurrentVoltage : " + str( item.CurrentVoltage ) ) if item.DataWidth == None: print( "DataWidth : " ) else: print( "DataWidth : " + str( item.DataWidth ) ) if item.Description == None: print( "Description : " ) else: print( "Description : " + str( item.Description ) ) if item.DeviceID == None: print( "DeviceID : " ) else: print( "DeviceID : " + str( item.DeviceID ) ) if item.ErrorCleared == None: print( "ErrorCleared : " ) else: print( "ErrorCleared : " + str( item.ErrorCleared ) ) if item.ErrorDescription == None: print( "ErrorDescription : " ) else: print( "ErrorDescription : " + str( item.ErrorDescription ) ) if item.ExtClock == None: print( "ExtClock : " ) else: print( "ExtClock : " + str( item.ExtClock ) ) if item.Family == None: print( "Family : " ) else: print( "Family : " + str( item.Family ) ) if item.InstallDate == None: print( "InstallDate : " ) else: print( "InstallDate : " + str( item.InstallDate ) ) if item.L2CacheSize == None: print( "L2CacheSize : " ) else: print( "L2CacheSize : " + str( item.L2CacheSize ) ) if item.L2CacheSpeed == None: print( "L2CacheSpeed : " ) else: print( "L2CacheSpeed : " + str( item.L2CacheSpeed ) ) if item.L3CacheSize == None: print( "L3CacheSize : " ) else: print( "L3CacheSize : " + str( item.L3CacheSize ) ) if item.L3CacheSpeed == None: print( "L3CacheSpeed : " ) else: print( "L3CacheSpeed : " + str( item.L3CacheSpeed ) ) if item.LastErrorCode == None: print( "LastErrorCode : " ) else: print( "LastErrorCode : " + str( item.LastErrorCode ) ) if item.Level == None: print( "Level : " ) else: print( "Level : " + str( item.Level ) ) if item.LoadPercentage == None: print( "LoadPercentage : " ) else: print( "LoadPercentage : " + str( item.LoadPercentage ) ) if item.Manufacturer == None: print( "Manufacturer : " ) else: print( "Manufacturer : " + str( item.Manufacturer ) ) if item.MaxClockSpeed == None: print( "MaxClockSpeed : " ) else: print( "MaxClockSpeed : " + str( item.MaxClockSpeed ) ) if item.Name == None: print( "Name : " ) else: print( "Name : " + str( item.Name ) ) if item.NumberOfCores == None: print( "NumberOfCores : " ) else: print( "NumberOfCores : " + str( item.NumberOfCores ) ) if item.NumberOfEnabledCore == None: print( "NumberOfEnabledCore : " ) else: print( "NumberOfEnabledCore : " + str( item.NumberOfEnabledCore ) ) if item.NumberOfLogicalProcessors == None: print( "NumberOfLogicalProcessors : " ) else: print( "NumberOfLogicalProcessors : " + str( item.NumberOfLogicalProcessors ) ) if item.OtherFamilyDescription == None: print( "OtherFamilyDescription : " ) else: print( "OtherFamilyDescription : " + str( item.OtherFamilyDescription ) ) if item.PartNumber == None: print( "PartNumber : " ) else: print( "PartNumber : " + str( item.PartNumber ) ) if item.PNPDeviceID == None: print( "PNPDeviceID : " ) else: print( "PNPDeviceID : " + str( item.PNPDeviceID ) ) if item.PowerManagementCapabilities == None: print( "PowerManagementCapabilities : " ) else: print( "PowerManagementCapabilities : " + str( item.PowerManagementCapabilities ) ) if item.PowerManagementSupported == None: print( "PowerManagementSupported : " ) else: print( "PowerManagementSupported : " + str( item.PowerManagementSupported ) ) if item.ProcessorId == None: print( "ProcessorId : " ) else: print( "ProcessorId : " + str( item.ProcessorId ) ) if item.ProcessorType == None: print( "ProcessorType : " ) else: print( "ProcessorType : " + str( item.ProcessorType ) ) if item.Revision == None: print( "Revision : " ) else: print( "Revision : " + str( item.Revision ) ) if item.Role == None: print( "Role : " ) else: print( "Role : " + str( item.Role ) ) if item.SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions == None: print( "SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions : " ) else: print( "SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions : " + str( item.SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions ) ) if item.SerialNumber == None: print( "SerialNumber : " ) else: print( "SerialNumber : " + str( item.SerialNumber ) ) if item.SocketDesignation == None: print( "SocketDesignation : " ) else: print( "SocketDesignation : " + str( item.SocketDesignation ) ) if item.Status == None: print( "Status : " ) else: print( "Status : " + str( item.Status ) ) if item.StatusInfo == None: print( "StatusInfo : " ) else: print( "StatusInfo : " + str( item.StatusInfo ) ) if item.Stepping == None: print( "Stepping : " ) else: print( "Stepping : " + str( item.Stepping ) ) if item.SystemCreationClassName == None: print( "SystemCreationClassName : " ) else: print( "SystemCreationClassName : " + str( item.SystemCreationClassName ) ) if item.SystemName == None: print( "SystemName : " ) else: print( "SystemName : " + str( item.SystemName ) ) if item.ThreadCount == None: print( "ThreadCount : " ) else: print( "ThreadCount : " + str( item.ThreadCount ) ) if item.UniqueId == None: print( "UniqueId : " ) else: print( "UniqueId : " + str( item.UniqueId ) ) if item.UpgradeMethod == None: print( "UpgradeMethod : " ) else: print( "UpgradeMethod : " + str( item.UpgradeMethod ) ) if item.Version == None: print( "Version : " ) else: print( "Version : " + str( item.Version ) ) if item.VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled == None: print( "VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled : " ) else: print( "VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled : " + str( item.VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled ) ) if item.VMMonitorModeExtensions == None: print( "VMMonitorModeExtensions : " ) else: print( "VMMonitorModeExtensions : " + str( item.VMMonitorModeExtensions ) ) if item.VoltageCaps == None: print( "VoltageCaps : " ) else: print( "VoltageCaps : " + str( item.VoltageCaps ) ) print( )