In Python, a dictionary is an unordered collection of items that are stored as key-value pairs. Each key is unique, and it maps to a value. Dictionaries are mutable, meaning …
In Python, a set is an unordered collection of unique elements. Unlike lists or tuples, sets do not allow duplicate values, and the elements inside a set are not indexed, …
A tuple in Python is a collection that is ordered and immutable, meaning that once a tuple is created, you cannot change its elements. Tuples are similar to lists but …
In Python, lists are one of the most commonly used data structures. A list is an ordered, mutable collection of items that can contain elements of different types (e.g., integers, …
In Python, you can rename and delete files using the built-in os and shutil modules. These modules provide functions to manipulate files and directories, allowing you to perform tasks like …
Reading files in Python is a common task when dealing with data or text processing. Python provides built-in functions and methods to handle files efficiently, whether you want to read …
In Python, the pass statement is a placeholder that does nothing when executed. It is often used in situations where the syntax requires a statement, but the logic has not …
The continue statement in Python is used to skip the current iteration of a loop and proceed with the next iteration. It works with both for and while loops. When …
The break statement in Python is used to exit a loop prematurely, regardless of the loop’s original stopping condition. It is commonly used in for and while loops to interrupt …
In Python, the else clause can be used with loops (for and while). It may seem unusual because else is typically associated with if statements, but when combined with loops, …