Base58 and Base58Check implementation compatible with what is used by the bitcoin network. Install base58 module from the command line: pip install base58 Code example import base58 text = …
PyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives. PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto. It brings the following enhancements with respect to the last official version of PyCrypto …
In this example we check if a network port is open Code We have a function and we will check a website and the localhost import socket def is_network_port_open(hostname, port): …
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) alphabet assigns code words to the letters of the English alphabet acrophonically (Alfa for A, Bravo for B, etc.) so that critical combinations of …
In cryptography, a Caesar cipher is a very simple encryption techniques in which each letter in the plain text is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down …
In this example we use a package to display emojis The entire set of Emoji codes as defined by the Unicode consortium is supported in addition to a bunch of aliases. By default, …
In a previous article we showed you how you get a random fact using a library – In this example we will create a simple GUI app using tkinter …
In this example we will create a GUI-based simple calculator using Tkinter, this simple calculator will be able to perform basic arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Code Most …
The flames calculator is used to find the compatibility between you and your partner. Flames stand for Friends, Lovers, Affectionate, Marriage, Enemies, Siblings. It is a famous game that used …
Rock paper scissors has three possible outcomes: a draw, a win or a loss. A player who decides to play rock will beat another player who has chosen scissors (“rock …