QLabel is a versatile widget in PyQt6 used to display text, images, or rich content like HTML. It is one of the simplest yet most powerful widgets for presenting information in a GUI application.
In this tutorial, we will cover:
1. Basics of QLabel
To create a QLabel, instantiate the class and set its content using the setText() or setPixmap() methods. Add the label to a layout or set it as a central widget.
Example: Basic QLabel Setup
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow def main(): app = QApplication([]) window = QMainWindow() window.setWindowTitle("Basic QLabel Example") window.setGeometry(100, 100, 300, 200) label = QLabel("Hello, PyQt6!", window) label.move(50, 50) window.show() app.exec() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- A window displaying the text “Hello, PyQt6!” at the specified position.
2. Displaying Text
The setText() method allows you to display plain or rich text.
Example: Plain Text Display
label = QLabel("This is plain text.", window)
Example: Dynamic Text Update
label = QLabel("Initial Text", window) label.setText("Updated Text")
3. Using Rich Text and HTML
You can display formatted text using HTML or rich text tags.
Example: Displaying Rich Text
label = QLabel("<h1 style='color:blue;'>Hello, <i>PyQt6</i>!</h1>", window) label.setTextFormat(Qt.TextFormat.RichText)
Example: Displaying Bulleted List
label = QLabel(""" <ul> <li>PyQt6</li> <li>QLabel</li> <li>Rich Text</li> </ul> """, window) label.setTextFormat(Qt.TextFormat.RichText)
4. Displaying Images
Use setPixmap() to display images in a QLabel. You need to use QPixmap to load and manipulate the image.
Example: Displaying an Image
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow from PyQt6.QtGui import QPixmap def main(): app = QApplication([]) window = QMainWindow() window.setWindowTitle("QLabel Image Example") window.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 300) label = QLabel(window) pixmap = QPixmap("path/to/image.png") label.setPixmap(pixmap) label.resize(pixmap.size()) window.show() app.exec() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- A window displaying the image.
5. Adjusting Alignment and Scaling
You can align text or images using setAlignment() and scale images with setScaledContents().
Example: Center Align Text
Example: Scale Image to Fit QLabel
label.setScaledContents(True) label.resize(300, 200) # Resize QLabel to see the effect
6. Interactive Features (Mouse Events)
You can make QLabel interactive by enabling mouse events.
Example: Detecting Mouse Clicks
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt class InteractiveLabel(QLabel): def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton: self.setText("Mouse clicked!") def main(): app = QApplication([]) window = QMainWindow() window.setWindowTitle("Interactive QLabel Example") window.setGeometry(100, 100, 300, 200) label = InteractiveLabel("Click me!", window) label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) label.setGeometry(50, 50, 200, 100) window.show() app.exec() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- Clicking on the label updates its text.
7. Styling QLabel with CSS
You can style QLabel using CSS-like syntax with setStyleSheet().
Example: Styling Text
label.setStyleSheet("color: red; font-size: 20px; background-color: yellow; border: 2px solid black;")
Example: Adding Hover Effect
label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { color: black; } QLabel:hover { color: blue; font-weight: bold; } """)
8. Practical Examples
Example: Displaying a Digital Clock
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow from PyQt6.QtCore import QTimer, QTime def update_time(label): current_time = QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") label.setText(current_time) def main(): app = QApplication([]) window = QMainWindow() window.setWindowTitle("Digital Clock") window.setGeometry(100, 100, 200, 100) label = QLabel("", window) label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) label.setStyleSheet("font-size: 24px;") label.setGeometry(20, 20, 160, 60) timer = QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(lambda: update_time(label)) timer.start(1000) update_time(label) window.show() app.exec() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- A real-time digital clock updates every second.
In this tutorial, we explored:
- Basics of QLabel: Displaying text.
- Rich Text and HTML: Formatting content with HTML.
- Displaying Images: Using QPixmap with QLabel.
- Alignment and Scaling: Aligning and resizing content.
- Interactive Features: Detecting mouse events.
- Styling with CSS: Customizing appearance.
- Practical Examples: Building a digital clock.
QLabel is a highly flexible widget, capable of handling diverse use cases like text, images, or even interactive displays. Mastering it will allow you to build visually appealing and functional PyQt6 applications.